2016年3月3日 星期四


COP21 climate change summit reaches deal in Paris

13 December 2015

A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2˙C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of intense negotiations.
The pact is the first to commit all countries to cut carbon emissions.

The agreement is partly legally binding and partly voluntary.
Earlier, key blocs, including the G77 group of developing countries, and nations such as China and India said they supported the proposals.

President of the UN climate conference of parties (COP) and French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: "I now invite the COP to adopt the decision entitled Paris Agreement outlined in the document.

"Looking out to the room I see that the reaction is positive, I see no objections. The Paris agreement is adopted."
As he struck the gavel to signal the adoption of the deal, delegates rose to their feet cheering and applauding.

US President Barack Obama has hailed the agreement as "ambitious" and "historic", but also warned against complacency.

"Together, we've shown what's possible when the world stands as one," he said.
And although admitting that the deal was not "perfect", he said it was "the best chance to save the one planet we have".

China's chief negotiator Xie Zhenhua said the deal was not perfect. But he added that "this does not prevent us from marching historical steps forward".

Nearly 200 countries took part in the negotiations to strike the first climate deal to commit all countries to cut emissions, which would come into being in 2020.

The chairman of the group representing some of the world's poorest countries called the deal historic, adding: "We are living in unprecedented times, which call for unprecedented measures.

"It is the best outcome we could have hoped for, not just for the Least Developed Countries, but for all citizens of the world."

Structure of the Lead
WHEN- 13 December 2015
WHAT-  The UN climate conference of parties (COP)
WHY- Attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2˙C
WHERE-  Paris

Key words:
1. negotiation  談判
2. voluntary  自主性
3. delegate  與會代表
4. complacency  自滿
5. unprecedented  史無前例
6. outcome  結果

資料來源: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35084374

