2016年3月24日 星期四

WEEK 4 台南地震

Taiwan earthquake: Search ends as death toll reaches 116

February 14, 2016

Search and rescue operations after a 6.4 magnitude earthquake that struck southern Taiwan ended Saturday as the death toll rose to 116, Taiwan's Central News Agency reported.

The last trapped person was rescued alive on Saturday afternoon, the city's disaster response office said.

A total of 289 people were rescued, 96 people remain in hospital.

Most of the fatalities and injuries came from the collapse of the Weiguan Golden Dragon high-rise tower in Tainan, the response center said.

Aerial images in the immediate aftermath of the temblor showed the Weiguan Golden Dragon tower transformed into rubble. Structures around it remained intact.

Rescuers found tin cans packed into the collapsed walls of the high-rise.

"There are so many other older buildings in Tainan that are still standing. Why was it only this building that was completely destroyed?" asked Wang Xingyou, a city cab driver.

Three people, all former executives of the company that built the collapsed apartment building, were arrested Tuesday and face charges of professional negligence resulting in death.

Structure of the Lead
WHEN- 2016.2.6
WHAT- A huge earthquake happened in Tainan,  and still lots of people trapped.
WHY- A apartment building collapsed lead to people trapped.

Key words:
1. magnitude  大小
2. trapped  受困的
3. fatality    死亡人數
4. temblor  地震發生
5. rubble  瓦礫
6. executives  高層
7. negligence  疏忽

資料來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/02/13/asia/taiwan-earthquake/

