2016年1月4日 星期一

Week 6 : Syrian Refugees

Australia says screening of Syrian refugees could take more than a year

Tue, Nov 24, 2015
The Australian government remained committed to resettling 12,000 Syrian refugees, but security checks could take more than a year, officials said yesterday.
Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott in September announced that the 12,000 refugees would be resettled from Middle Eastern refugee camps as quickly as possible. Abbott was replaced by Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull less than a week later. The first families began arriving in Australia this month.
Australian Senator Cory Bernardi yesterday said that the Cabinet should rethink that commitment in light of the threat militants could pose as refugees in Australia. He said the recent coordinated attacks in Paris had highlighted the dangers.
However, Cabinet ministers including Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison and Australian Minister for Justice Michael Keenan stood by the decision.
Peter Shergold, coordinator-general for refugee resettlement in New South Wales, said the careful screening would hold up the resettlement process.
“I’m working on the basis that the vast majority will come next year and it will probably be over 12 or 18 months, not six months,” Shergold told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
In related news, members of the anti-Islam group Reclaim Australia organized nationwide protests over the weekend in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.
The group’s Web site said that the protests were organized in response to the shock of recent atrocities of “Islam’s radicals” both inside and outside of Australia.

Structure of the Lead
WHO-  Australian government
WHEN- Tue, Nov 24, 2015
WHAT- The Australian government remained committed to resettling 12,000 Syrian refugees.
WHY- It is a serious problem have to be solved.
WHERE- Australia
HOW- No given

Key words:
1. prime: 黃金
2. rethink : 反思
3. militant: 激進的
4. coordinate: 協調的
5. atrocity: 暴行

資料來源: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2015/11/24/2003633232

3 則留言:

  1. Before reading the news,I have already known about this event. I think it is good for the Australian government to help Syrian refugees because they really need help. Besides,if the refugees'problems are not handled appropriately, it may have more problems.Therefore, if people help the refugees,may the problem will be solved earlier.

  2. After reading this news, I think I'm really blessed. Those refugees who not only don't have enough food and clothing but also homeless.

  3. It's nice of the Australian government to help the Syrian refugees.While I think the Australian government should think twice before resetting them because there may be some complex problems.
