2016年1月4日 星期一

Week 6 : Syrian Refugees

Australia says screening of Syrian refugees could take more than a year

Tue, Nov 24, 2015
The Australian government remained committed to resettling 12,000 Syrian refugees, but security checks could take more than a year, officials said yesterday.
Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott in September announced that the 12,000 refugees would be resettled from Middle Eastern refugee camps as quickly as possible. Abbott was replaced by Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull less than a week later. The first families began arriving in Australia this month.
Australian Senator Cory Bernardi yesterday said that the Cabinet should rethink that commitment in light of the threat militants could pose as refugees in Australia. He said the recent coordinated attacks in Paris had highlighted the dangers.
However, Cabinet ministers including Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison and Australian Minister for Justice Michael Keenan stood by the decision.
Peter Shergold, coordinator-general for refugee resettlement in New South Wales, said the careful screening would hold up the resettlement process.
“I’m working on the basis that the vast majority will come next year and it will probably be over 12 or 18 months, not six months,” Shergold told the Australian Broadcasting Corp.
In related news, members of the anti-Islam group Reclaim Australia organized nationwide protests over the weekend in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks.
The group’s Web site said that the protests were organized in response to the shock of recent atrocities of “Islam’s radicals” both inside and outside of Australia.

Structure of the Lead
WHO-  Australian government
WHEN- Tue, Nov 24, 2015
WHAT- The Australian government remained committed to resettling 12,000 Syrian refugees.
WHY- It is a serious problem have to be solved.
WHERE- Australia
HOW- No given

Key words:
1. prime: 黃金
2. rethink : 反思
3. militant: 激進的
4. coordinate: 協調的
5. atrocity: 暴行

資料來源: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2015/11/24/2003633232

Week 5 : Singles Day

Chinese consumers splurge on ‘Singles Day’ spree

Thu, Nov 12, 2015

Chinese Internet users yesterday spent billions of dollars in the planet’s biggest online shopping splurge, as “Singles Day” hit new heights, despite slowing growth in the world’s second-largest economy.

The cumulative national bill for the day-long orgy of commerce dwarfed what Americans spent online over the five-day frenzy from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday last year.
Singles Day is not a traditional Chinese festival, but e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (阿里巴巴) has been pushing Nov. 11 — a date heavy on ones — since 2009 as it looks to tap the country’s huge, and expanding, army of Internet shoppers.

At first it was marketed as an “anti-Valentine’s Day,” featuring hefty discounts to lure singletons and price-sensitive buyers.
However, with sales hitting new highs year after year, it has become a massive — and highly lucrative — business opportunity embraced by the nation’s digital retailers.
Competition for a slice of China’s online population of 668 million is turning increasingly fierce.

Alibaba kicked off this year’s mammoth event with a television spectacular at Beijing’s Water Cube Olympic swimming venue, featuring Chinese and foreign celebrities, including James Bond actor Daniel Craig, and US actor Kevin Spacey.
And the company’s efforts were paying off in spades, with shoppers splashing out more than US$10 billion in the first 14 hours of the sale.
This year’s tally had already outstripped last year’s gangbusters effort, with the last year’s total of US$9.3 billion matched a little more than 12 hours after the promotion’s midnight start.

In comparison, desktop sales for the five days from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday in the US last year stood at US$6.56 billion, according to Internet analytics firm comScore.
“The 2015 sale has eclipsed last year’s final results in a little over half the time,” Alibaba said.
In an earlier release, Alibaba’s chief executive officer Daniel Zhang (張勇) said: “The whole world will witness the power of Chinese consumption this November 11.”
Another one of China’s main online retailers, JD.com Inc (京東), said it had completed more than 10 million transactions by 10 am. That was almost twice as many as last year’s total.
The task of putting customers’ purchases into their hands is huge. Alibaba said its logistical arm and its partners would use more than 1.7 million personnel, 400,000 vehicles, 5,000 warehouses and 200 airplanes to handle deliveries.

The event has received vocal support from the government at a time when China’s economic expansion is slowing and Beijing is trying to transform its growth model into a more sustainable one driven by consumption.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s (李克強) office phoned Alibaba chairman Jack Ma (馬雲) hours ahead of the promotion, “congratulating and encouraging the creation and achievement of the 11.11 event,” said a posting on a social media account of Tmall (天貓), the group’s business-to-consumer arm.
Chinese Internet users yesterday showed off their acquisitions — with many lamenting that they had spent far too much money.
“I can only afford to eat dirt for the next half year,” said a user on Sina Weibo (微博), with an attached screengrab of a Taobao (淘寶) app showing she had bought 42 items.

Structure of the Lead
WHO-  Alibaba chairman Jack Ma
WHEN- Thu, Nov 12, 2015 
WHAT- Chinese Internet users  spent billions of dollars in the planet’s biggest online shopping splurge on "Singles Day".
WHY- The cumulative national bill for the day-long orgy of commerce.
WHERE- China
HOW- Featuring hefty discounts to lure singletons and price-sensitive buyers.

Key words:
1. splurge: 揮霍
2. spree: 大禮包
3. cumulative: 累積的
4. dwarf: 相形見絀
5. frenzy: 狂潮
6. lucrative: 利潤豐厚的
7. mammoth: 猛獁象
8. retailer: 零售商
9. logistical: 物流的

10. sustainable: 可持續發展的
